Slowly becoming accostomted to this state of limbo, as I suppose you become accostomed to most things. No, that's not resignment in my voice. It's interesting how things that initially strike you as being unpleasant become less so with time, and eventually even become... well... not enjoyable, per se, but at the very least no longer cumbersome. We continue the commute, continue waiting for a verdict on the new apartment (hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday will provide answers), and continue residing in Jersey in the hometown we love.
It's funny, also, how you sometimes don't develop a strong pride for an area until you are about to leave it. I never felt "Jersey pride" until I moved out of Jersey to Baltimore two years ago. Now, back in Jers and imminently leaving, I'm beginning to feel such strong Asbury pride that it makes it almost difficult at times to think of moving away from the area. I love the streets, the shops, the bars, the local shop owners, the small-town familiarity of it all. Having been quite shy in high school, it's the first time that I go around an area and feel recognized, like I'm a part of the Asbury culture. Luckily, the area in Brooklyn we're hoping to move to has a similar vibe to it and we have the feeling that we'll become fixtures of that area just as we've become fixtures of Asbury.
A Thought: Fear is such an interesting phenomenon, producing worry, doubt, anxiety, and a plethora of other uncomfortable sensations. My mother told me of an acronym associated with it: False Evidence Appearing Real. That is, you fear things that don't actually exist, but only produce unpleasant potentials. This can be seen quite well in personal little phobias, tiny fears that aren't rooted in logic, but rather rooted in some false perception.
For example, I'm terrified of public restroom locks not working. Every time I use a public restroom, I check and recheck the lock, the handle, making sure that someone can't accidentally walk in on my while I have my pants down. Illogical, but still producing an absurd and near-obsessing reaction in yours truly.
However, in most other scenarios, illogical fears are something that can be rationally worked through as you remind yourself of what actually exists and reason away the unpleasant, false, potential scenarios that illicit fear or discomfort within yourself. Easier said than done, I know (I'm still checking those locks), but something to work towards :)
A Find: For women with "atypical" body shapes, say a small waste, large hips, and decent thighs (such as yours truly), Lucky Brand's Charlie Fit is an amazing option. The jeans fit really comfortably, and they offer selections in several colors. I currently have a denim boot leg pair as well as a red skinny fit pair that, amazingly, don't make my thighs and ass look disproportionately large.
At a Firewalking workshop which focused on fear, they helped us broach the firey coals entertaining the belief that fear is False Evidence Appearing has carried me across the blistering abyss many times since.